Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland

Our team at Andrews Law Offices offers some of the finest Drug Possession Attorneys in Oakland to help you in cases of drug possession if you are accused of such a case. Our attorneys will try their best to keep you safe from getting imprisoned. We have been handling several drug cases for many clients and will be eager to take up your case too.

Whether it is you or someone near you who has been accused of drug possession, the Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland will be a great help in terms of proving you innocent or at least reducing your penalties and sentences.

Drug Crime Charges in Oakland

While California has eased out its laws against many drugs such as Marijuana, still drug possession is considered a massive crime in the eyes of law and court. Anyone who is caught in drug possession may have to face serious punishments depending upon factors such as the type of drug available, the quantity of the drug, and others. A Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland will help you in dealing with such cases when you have provided the right details and are honest.

Here are some of the charges that Oakland law has prescribed for various drug-related actions.

Drug Possession

Several drugs are used in different activities such as making medicines or similar options. But these drugs can be also harmful if they are consumed without any prescription. Thus, possession of drugs without any license is an illegal activity in Oakland. When you are caught with drug possession without a license, you will be sentenced to imprisonment based on the factors such as the type of drugs you have, the amount of specific drugs that you have, your criminal record, and others. You will require the help of a Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland to come out of such a case.

Drug Trafficking

Similar to drug possession, drug trafficking is another major crime in Oakland. But there are some times when you may get accused of drug trafficking even when you may have shared drugs a small amount with someone. Of course, dealing drugs anyway is a crime in California, but sharing drugs with someone of smaller quality will have lesser punishment than massive drug trafficking. Thus, you will require the help of a Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland to prove the fact that you are not involved in a drug trafficking case and can get reduced punishment and penalty.

Manufacturing of Drugs

Manufacturing any kind of drug can get absolutely dangerous and hence it is considered a felony crime in California. If you have been trapped in such a case, you should immediately get in touch with the best Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland to get a proper solution.

Different drugs have different impacts. Hence, the severity of punishment is different for different drugs. You may not be aware of the type of charges for different drugs and so, it gets important that you get in touch with a proper Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland to deal with such cases and offer you the right support that you require.

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Different Drug Charges in Oakland

Once again, charges for different drugs are different. The charges for different drugs come under different Schedules. While a Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland will help you in understanding the schedule in which your case falls, it is also essential that you have an idea of all the Schedules that are there in California.

Schedule V

Drugs that have the least abuse chances are included in Schedule V. People dealing in drugs such as some kind of cough syrups illegally are also sentenced to punishment but these punishments are comparatively lower.

Schedule IV

Schedule IV is a category that includes drugs that are more severe than the drugs included in Schedule V such as Valium, Ativan, and Xanax. Quite obviously, the punishment for possession of such drugs is also more severe than that of Schedule V.

Schedule III

Schedule III drugs are at higher risk than Schedule IV drugs and these include Ketamine, Codeine, and others.

Schedule II

Drugs in Schedule II are such that are extremely serious in terms of abuse and the drug possession crime for such drugs is considered for federal and state charges. Some of the drugs that are classified as Schedule II are Cocaine, Morphine, Opium, and others.

Schedule I

Drugs that are extremely dangerous and do not have medical use are considered in the Schedule I category. Heroin is one of the major drugs in this category.

While the drugs under Schedule V to Schedule III are criminal offenses, the punishments for these Schedules are still lower. Also, the drug court of California is such that will offer you a chance to rectify your mistake by making to visit a rehabilitation center or so. Once you have completed the activities offered by the court, it may even happen that the court may reduce your punishment depending on your current condition. Of course, you can get in touch with a proper Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland to reduce the punishment sentence even more.

But the chances of getting your punishments reduced are not so easy when you are accused of drug possession under Schedule II and Schedule I which are actually considered felony crimes. If you have been accused of such a crime, there is a high chance that you will have to face imprisonment and also a penalty fine. You should definitely get in touch with a professional Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland in such a case who will provide at least some support in reducing the imprisonment time or the fine amount.

How does a Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland help?

Drug possession cases are extremely complicated and it is not an easy task to handle the situation all alone. You will have to get in touch with a professional Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland to get a number of help options.

Answering Queries

When you are arrested for drug possession, you may have several questions in mind such as the charges that you are imposed, and others. It is the Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland who is going to listen to your part of the story and answer all your queries.

Reviewing Drug Charges

The drug charges depend upon several factors such as the Schedules under which the drugs fall, the drug amount, and so on. It is always better to get in touch with a Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland who will review the drug charges and will act accordingly.

Reviewing Arrest Charges

The arrest charges will depend upon a number of factors such as the type of drugs you have, whether you possess the drugs or you are involved in trafficking, and so on. You should get in touch with the right Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland to understand the exact charges and try your chances to reduce the charges.

Fighting the Case to offer the best Results

It is the Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland who will investigate the case and will find out all the witnesses that can help in your case. The attorney will fight the case in the courtroom to finally help in either proving you innocent or at least reducing your charges and punishment.

Thus, it is always a better idea to get in touch with a professional Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland if you are accused of drug possession. Often when you try to handle such drug cases, you may fall into even deeper pits. Hence, you should not take chances and should make sure to contact a professional expert who will make you know your rights as well as help you in getting the right suggestions for your case. The lawyer will be there till the end to make you get the best results.

Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland

Drug possession cases are something that is hard to handle and dangerous to deal with. Thus, you will require a professional to deal with such a case. If you are looking for a Drug Possession Attorney in Oakland, you can get the best options at Andrews Law Offices for sure.

Our professionals will go through the case in-depth so that you get the right solutions at the right time. We offer a free consultation and then offer you the necessary support that is required. Do not hesitate when you are stuck up in such a case as our experts are always there to provide you with the guidance and help that you need in such cases.